24 June 2008

Here I Come Again!

Good afternoon all,

I cannot believe how long it's been since I blogged (5 months! Holy cow!). To quote my beloved friend Kathleeny ... I just haven't felt blogish lately. However, since I'm feeling more encouraged and more hopeful than I have felt in quite a long time, perhaps I'll blog more.

I am looking forward to summer more than I have for quite a while. I think it's partly due to the plans that I have for improving my health this summer. I am going to change how I think about food and exercise, and then I am going to change how I behave with God's good grace and assistance. I cannot make any changes unless God wills them to be made. But since He has said in His Word that my body is a temple, I think that perhaps it is time for me to take better care of it.

I think another reason that I'm encouraged is that I believe that these changes I am making will significantly improve my diabetes and hopefully will reduce the amount of insulin and/or oral medication that I'm taking. I am also hopeful that I will be able to reduce my blood pressure medication as well. I spend over $200/month on my share of my prescription medications (praise God for medical insurance!) and I would love to see that amount reduced.

Well, I believe that is all I have to say for now, so I will sign off. I would love to hear comments so I believe I shall let my friends and loved know that I am blogging. Who'duhthunk that a baby boomer such as myself would end up being a blogger?


Wendy said...

Hello, dear.

No, you did not tell me your blog address before. Could explain the no comments problem!

Let me just remind you that you may HAVE diabetes (small "d"), but you are no more a Diabetic (large "D") than I am a poached egg, as C.S. Lewis would put it. Au contraire, what you ARE is my dearest old friend, a child of God, the Light of the world (He said it, not me!), a collector of absolutely LAME puns, a singer, possessor of one of the greatest laughs in the universe, sister, daughter, helper, encyclopedia of legal and medical data, fellow pilgrim, salt of the earth.

Don't try to give me all that stuff about your name being Diabetic. Baloney!

Now aren't you sorry you invited comments?

Kathryn said...

You are a balm in Gilead m'dear. Thank you!