27 June 2008

It finally feels like summer ... not to mention TGIF!!!

Oh my goodness it's such a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the skies are bright blue with no trace of clouds (most unusual for the Pacific Northwest), and it feels like all is well with the world. Sonshine, and sunshine, have an amazing ability to lift our spirits, n’est-ce pas?

I'm feeling sort of blah today on account of my back is aching. I'm looking forward to a day when that is not the case, but for now, I will hang in there. It's supposed to be a totally gorgeous, sunny weekend and I would love to drive to the beach. However, with gasoline at $4.30/gallon for regular ... I cannot afford the luxury of a drive to the beach. Sigh.

Well, this will have to be a very short post on account of my brain being somewhat sludgy. Rats!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kathy! Thanks for stopping by and reading about my Kangaroo Paw Fern. I will send any information that I can find your way.