30 November 2007

It's Friday, it's Friday!

To borrow the Friday morning catch-phrase from Pete and Brenda on The Fish ... it's Friday, it's Friday! I'm so pleased the weekend is almost here, even though we may get snow down to the valley floor tomorrow. I had an interesting morning in that my fasting blood glucose was 159 and then I realized I had forgotten to take my insulin last night. I was especially pleased that my glucose was that low. But, since I had fish and a vegetable for dinner, maybe that was part of the secret. I needed to find something easy but low carb to eat ... so I took fish out of the freezer and put a veggie on ... and voila! There was dinner. That was good. TTFN.

29 November 2007

Methinks I Doeth Protest Too Much!

Rats! I wrote my first paragraph in my new blog ... and did something that made it totally escape into cyberspace to be forever "lost in space" ... sigh. So, I shall begin again, and hopefully not delete this post.

I protest being a Type 2 Diabetic. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and I was in denial about being diabetic. I hate it, I do not want to do it, I do not want to "play", I want to take my ball and go home, not to mention that diabetes is much too hard ... but I do not have a choice. So, now, for the most part, I accept being diabetic. Giving myself twice daily insulin injections has done that for me. I confess that I was afraid of giving myself injections. I have always been afraid of needles. However, I am delighted to report that even for a wimp like me, insulin injections are no big deal. The needles are so thin and short that most times I do not even feel the needle.

Nevertheless, becoming diabetic at the age of 56 is the pits. My habits, whether for good or ill, have long been established and are really difficult to change. Even knowing that I really must change my eating and exercise habits has not made the changes easy or even possible. I am being compliant with my medications, and somewhat compliant with my diet, but I really struggle to exercise, even though I have personally experienced exercising bringing my blood glucose levels down. Go figure!

It is my profound hope that sharing my feelings in this blog will help me to deal with my feelings and enable me to make the necessary changes in my life.